I posted a big review of Apache HD, this app is much the same, in fact completely the same, it sports a very crappy interface, much needing a controller update. The publisher is very rude, I contacted him, to be attacked and told I was worthless and he did not need my requests. He was not forth coming with a date he would add controller support and this app is not Apple TV compatible, without a controller it is very useless, and not worth buying, landing is extremely hard, not due to it being so good, but due to a lack of controller support, you need to balance the iPad or iPhone and use collective on screen, almost impossible to do well, you may have better luck with small iPhone, but then why its a game to be played on a bigger screen, like an iPad Pro, or Apple TV, and with no controller support its at best just a game you would take off, never land and never try combat with. Combat is another story, it is even worse, to target while trying to balance the ipad or iPhone, click on a targeting button, then switch positions and fire a missile or worse non guided rockets, and follow a moving ground or air target while operating the collective, is not hard, its near impossible and takes any enjoyment out of the game, the game as a combat air sim is worthless, and I really mean that. I gave the publisher a chance before writing this review, and he went ballistic within suits and saying if I did not like it return it, and that I was nothing and he would add controller support only if he wanted to, and what I wanted was not his concern. He was the worst guy I had ever dealt with, I will not buy any apps buy this publisher, check out his publishing name and be warned do not buy from him, he will insult you for any suggestion and be completely uncaring to the customer. I have many emails that are really not able to be published due to the inappropriate language used by the publisher. If I were reading this review and the review I wrote for APACHE HD, I would not buy this app, it is also laggy and with the lack of controller support it is boring in 5 mins, just flying till you crash, and forget about landing, it can be done, but the effort put into it is completely not worth it, landing is challenging yes, but it is not supposed to be that labour intensive, my only way to describe it, think of yourself having only one arm and one leg, trying to drive a car without controls for the handicapped, that is how this app is. Buy at your own risk. The publisher is rude and arrogant, he care not for his customers, his only suggestion is to ask for your money back and shut your mouth, his words not mine.